So I currently have two laptops: one for work and one for personal use. There
is, however, a fair bit of overlap; I'd like to have a bunch of config files
, .vimrc
, ~/.config/i3/config
, etc) and a bunch of useful
scripts (in ~/bin
) available in both places. I looked at a couple solutions,
including dotfiles and such, but a post on
StackOverflow had the outline of a
solution that I'm fairly happy
I put an alias into my .bashrc
alias homegit='git --work-tree=$HOME --git-dir=$HOME/.home.git'
And wrote a little script to automate setup on new machines:
if [ -d "$HOME/.home.git" ]; then
echo "homegit already set up."
exit 1
homegit="git --work-tree=$HOME --git-dir=$HOME/.home.git"
$homegit init
$homegit remote add origin $MY_HOMEDIR_REPO
$homegit fetch origin
$homegit reset
$homegit checkout -t origin/master
and then ran it. Then I wrote an info/exclude
# exclude everything
# ...except the following
So only the files I wanted to save were listed in a 'homegit status'. Then I
could just homegit add
them and could go to town!
I imagine maintaining the info/exclude
file is going to be the main issue,
but it's probably good for me to keep up with that minor skill anyway.