Polyfallminoes is a falling-block game for the Android OS.
Local beta releases -
via Android Market (must be on a phone) -
via Cyrket
- Horizontal wrapping of movement
- The ability to 'flip' (mirror) a piece by tilting your phone
- Progressively more difficult (faster) levels
- The possibility of previewing up to 3 pieces in advance
- Geometrically increasing scoring for lines removed simultaneously
- Pieces ('-ominoes') with 1, 2, 3, 4, and even 5 blocks
- Bonus effects if you clear a row with 3 or more adjacent blocks of the same color
- bonus points
- clear bottom rows
- clear all lines containing *any* blocks of the same color
- clear rows centered on the just-cleared row
- add an extra piece preview (up to 3)
- But lest you think it's too easy, there are other possible effects:
- insert extra rows at the bottom
- insert extra rows at the row just cleared
- remove a piece preview
Copyright 2008-2010, Anyplace Games