The Snark, Coupling, and Aardvark Page
Although seemingly innocous when used separately, the words "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark" should never be used together, due to possible deleterious effects.
And now, my home page...
But first, a public service announcement:
Home Page Follows
After this:
If you continue to read futher, it is assumed that you are aware that the text may contain the words "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark". If you are sure you wish to risk the ill effects associated with these words, and are of legal age, then proceed. If not, you can leave, change the channel, or turn it off.
Welcome! I am Jerry Peterson and this is my home page.
(It really is, you know.)
Things you can learn about on my home page: my hometown, Pottsboro, Texas; Texas A&M University, Department of Chemical Engineering, where I went to school; Austin, where I live now; and Texas Department of Transportation, Materials and Tests Division, where I work.
Things that interest me: I devote a lot of time to juggling; it's about my favorite passtime. I also do some martial arts. I regularly play disc golf. I like The Tick, and I brew beer. I still play role-playing games now and then. I also like to search the net in search of links that may be useful, entertaining, or just plain pointless.
As you may have noticed, my home page does not actually contain the words "snark", "coupling", or "aardvark", so you may safely ignore the warnings attached to this page.
September 10, 2003 -- Something on this site has changed!
Visit the Austin Roadrunner home page.
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End of Home Page
The following disclaimer contains the words "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark". Sensitive readers with weak chins, wobbly legs, unsound minds or gurgly stomachs, but who have not already read the preceding three warnings, and the home page, but who plan to read the following disclaimer may be advised to stand on their heads and drink a fifth of whiskey before continuing.
Disclaimer: The author is subject to no stated or implied liability for the possible hazardous effects of cancer, leukemia, leprosy, AIDS, bedwetting, or spontaneous decapitation which may occur as a result of reading, skipping, going back to, writing, or planning to read, write, skip, or go back to any or all of the preceding warnings, disclaimers, or the home page, each of which may or may not contain the words "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark".
This has been a test of the "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark" early warning system. It was only a test. Had there been an actual occurrence of the words "snark", "coupling", and "aardvark", you would have recieved information on how to read the words without actually reading them together.
Again, this was only a test.